feat: ability to lint branches other then master
Sou1Aced opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Currently, the validator for wei/pull (https://pull.git.ci/check/${owner}/${repo})only checks the master branch of the repository, but lists "no file found" if it is added in a branch other then master. This causes a problem of not being able to test/validate the .yml before merging.
Adding this would allow the ability to validate the pull.yml file before merging with the master file, allowing for testing before hand.
Thanks @Sou1Aced for the feedback. I have created a runkit endpoint that can validate any file against pull's joi schema:
https://pull-validation-uxx737qt0sl1.runkit.sh/?url=<raw file url>
Make sure you url encode the <raw file url>
parameter if it contains a query string (seen in private repo raw links).
Thanks @wei! I was looking for a solution to this, too.
Thanks @Sou1Aced for the feedback. I have created a runkit endpoint that can validate any file against pull's joi schema:
https://pull-validation-uxx737qt0sl1.runkit.sh/?url=<raw file url>
Make sure you url encode the
<raw file url>
parameter if it contains a query string (seen in private repo raw links).
Is this still accurate for private repos? Response timed out when I fed it the raw URL to my pull.yml
; it doesn't contain any querystrings.
FWIW this is everything it contains:
version: "1"
- base: main
upstream: rajnandan1:main
mergeMethod: hardreset # Optional, one of [none, merge, squash, rebase, hardreset], Default: none.
mergeUnstable: false # Optional, merge pull request even when the mergeable_state is not clean. Default: false
label: ":arrow_heading_down: pull" # Optional
conflictLabel: "merge-conflict" # Optional, on merge conflict assign a custom label, Default: merge-conflict
@pythoninthegrass Runkit won't have permission to load the yml from private repos. You could host the file somewhere else (like a gist) to check.
I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
Think it's working with public gists! This URL is what I got for another pull.yml.
The json response is
"version": "1",
"rules": [
"base": "main",
"upstream": "somet-code:main",
"mergeMethod": "hardreset",
"mergeUnstable": false,
"assignees": [],
"reviewers": [],
"conflictReviewers": []
"label": ":arrow_heading_down: pull",
"conflictLabel": "merge-conflict"
which appears to have validated as expected. Tested against another purposely malformed gist and got
ValidationError: "rules[0].base" is required
Hi @wei thank you for this! Can you please check if the runkit endpoint is still online? I'm trying the same URL posted by @pythoninthegrass but I am getting a timeout (The server did not return a response quickly enough).