
feat: ability to lint branches other then master

Sou1Aced opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently, the validator for wei/pull (https://pull.git.ci/check/${owner}/${repo})only checks the master branch of the repository, but lists "no file found" if it is added in a branch other then master. This causes a problem of not being able to test/validate the .yml before merging.

Adding this would allow the ability to validate the pull.yml file before merging with the master file, allowing for testing before hand.

wei commented

Thanks @Sou1Aced for the feedback. I have created a runkit endpoint that can validate any file against pull's joi schema:

https://pull-validation-uxx737qt0sl1.runkit.sh/?url=<raw file url>

e.g. https://pull-validation-uxx737qt0sl1.runkit.sh/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wei/pull/master/.github/pull.yml

Make sure you url encode the <raw file url> parameter if it contains a query string (seen in private repo raw links).

Thanks @wei! I was looking for a solution to this, too.