
fails with MacOS sed

Closed this issue · 3 comments

GNU sed works correctly when extracting the port number:

$ sed 's/.*:\([0-9]\+\)\b.*/\1/' <<<'Starting to serve on'

But the MacOS sed fails:

$ sed 's/.*:\([0-9]\+\)\b.*/\1/' <<<'Starting to serve on'
Starting to serve on

I have no idea why it fails. But it makes the tool unusable on MacOS at the moment.

Good point. I had already installed GNU sed on my Mac, so I didn't run into this. I will address this issue shortly.

I just fixed it, and both versions of sed should now be supported: https://github.com/weibeld/k1s/blob/64d3cb72bddac913e219061f53e8db26707f5bbb/k1s

Please check if the above version of the code now works on your system.

The problem with the above command was the \b escape sequence and there was another issue with the two sed commands with the -i option, which has also been fixed..

Yes the sed call works now.
But I have a different problem now – probably some issue with my cluster. I'll check that later.