
Sync different hypothesis groups in different vaults/folders?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi, This is not an issue
Firstly, thank you so much for this plugin - it's a huge help to myself and my students.
When collaborating in hypothesis you can create different groups, say for a research dissertation and another for, perhaps crisis management - I was wondering if it is possible to have those groups sync to specific folders or different vaults in obsidian.
for e.g. my critical research students collaborate on a group but use different vaults for other modules and hypothesis groups.
Hope this makes sense!
Thanks again

Hi, This is not an issue Firstly, thank you so much for this plugin - it's a huge help to myself and my students. When collaborating in hypothesis you can create different groups, say for a research dissertation and another for, perhaps crisis management - I was wondering if it is possible to have those groups sync to specific folders or different vaults in obsidian. for e.g. my critical research students collaborate on a group but use different vaults for other modules and hypothesis groups. Hope this makes sense! Thanks again C

Saving to a different vault is definitely not doable. The quickest way is to bring is group, you can create it as a tag and link them.


You can have the same article in 'private' and a different group with different highlights. I will need to think about it.

At the moment, I brought in the group as a tag against individual highlights.

That's great, thanks - that should help.
FYI, I came across this https://jonudell.info/h/facet (https://web.hypothes.is/help/how-do-i-export-my-annotations/) demo export tool that allows a number of permutations by group, tags, users etc. Not sure if you've come across it, or if it's any help with the above question.
I don't know how it might be possible, but my non-programmer brain imagines something like:
For Vault "a", specify user API token and groups to include = x + y ...
For Vault "b", specify uer API token and groups to include = z
I need to send you a coffee or 3!

@woodae99 I have added a button that allows you to add/remove groups synced. By default, all groups are selected. Please remember, highlights previously synced will not be removed if you remove a particular group. It only takes comes into effect the next highlights sync. Check it out in v0.1.13



Splitting them into folders, I will think about it next time after I added the frontmatters

Awesome, thanks!