Windows Terminal: Cursor keeps moving to the bottom of buffer, or to next parent node
nbn22385 opened this issue · 6 comments
Issue when using Windows Terminal + PowerShell only.
Is there a custom keymapping I can set to overcome the behavior? If this is out of scope of coc-explorer please close the issue.
So far I have 3 examples of this behavior:
When pressing
on the "after" folder, the cursor is moved to the "pack" folder, and I have to move back up to access any of "after"'s children. -
When pressing
on the "after" folder, the cursor is moved to the last item in the folder -
When pressing
to access the help page, the cursor is moved to the bottom
I still have the behavior when disabling all other plugins, mappings, and autocommands.
:verbose map l
in coc-explorer produces:
n l @<Plug>(coc-explorer-key-n-l)
Last set from ~/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-explorer/autoload/coc_explorer/mappings.vim line 13
v l @<Plug>(coc-explorer-key-v-l)
Last set from ~/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-explorer/autoload/coc_explorer/mappings.vim line 13
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Maybe it only happens with special vim versions? I tried vim / nvim on windows terminal + powershell and didn't reproduce
Thanks for the response,
I just set up a fresh VM of Ubuntu 22.04 via Vagrant on Windows Terminal 1.14.228 and the issue is still there.
- nodejs 18.x
- vim (8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Apr 18 2022 19:26:30))
- and then vim (9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled May 10 2022 08:40:37))
- coc.nvim plugin via minpac
- coc-explorer
- no other custom configuration
Then I switched over to a Git Bash terminal and even a vanilla command prompt, and the issue happens over there too, so now I don't know what to think or how else to debug the issue. Edit: still happens in Alacritty too.
On both occasions, I am SSHing into my VM, if you think that matters. Must be something going on at a host level for me on this particular PC.
Hmm. I still don't have an idea about this, can you provide a vimrc that can be reproduced?
I was not able to reproduce it on any other platform than a couple Ubuntu VMs on my work computer. 😞
For what it's worth, my minimal vimrc
looks like:
function! PackInit() abort
packadd minpac
call minpac#init()
call minpac#add('k-takata/minpac', {'type': 'opt'})
call minpac#add('neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'})
command! PackUpdate call PackInit() | call minpac#update()
command! PackClean call PackInit() | call minpac#clean()
command! PackStatus packadd minpac | call minpac#status()
let g:coc_global_extensions = ['coc-explorer']
I just installed my dotfiles setup on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 docker image and the problem persisted. Then I installed my dotfiles setup on an Ubuntu 20.04 docker image and the problem did not exist. Can you try to reproduce on Ubuntu 22.04?
This seems like an environment issue on my side, so I'm going to close this one out.