
How to reproduce the results using GLIP

LgQu opened this issue · 2 comments

LgQu commented


Thanks for the great work. I wonder how to reproduce the GLIP results in Table 2 of the paper. I ran the script GLIP_eval/eval.py and got the detection results saved in "glip_results.json", but had no idea how to calculate the GLIP results. Could you please give some advice to calculate the GLIP-related metrics, e.g., Zero/One obj. and Two obj.? Many thanks!


Thanks for the question. Since the prompts follow the template "ObjectA and ObjectB", you just need to compute the ratio of images where both ObjectA & ObjectB are detected by GLIP to get "Two obj." and the rest are "Zero/One obj.".

LgQu commented

Thanks for the clarification. Did you use the default 0.5 as the threshold?