
New addon request - simpler and small status bars

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Is it possible to make Status Bar simplified?
meaning make HP/SP/Stamina and class as simple UI and smaller.

something like this

compactheadsupdisplay.ipf makes hidden gauges on heads up display.
And then staminigauge makes add stamina gauge below character's gauges.

I'll make addon to add gauges text(hp/maxhp, and so on) on character's gauges.

How about this?

Thank you weizlogy for the response! It sounds like a good idea to add it on 😄



Yes this is perfect!

Will this display be only for yourself or does it include others.

it's only myself.

Sounds good, as it we be very neat! ( Instead of showing others HP/SP/stamina too )