
Next.js Integration

paularah opened this issue · 13 comments

I would appreciate a definitive guide on using this with next.js. The Next.js script tag with a beforeInteractive strategy gives the error use-places-autocomplete: Google Maps Places API library must be loaded. The native script tag only works with asynchronous loading since external synchronous scripts are forbidden in Next.js. asynchronously loading the script occasionally freezes the input field.

I have this problem too

Per the recent Nextjs shift in best practices for loading beforeInteractive scripts, you can instantiate the library as pictured and it works perfectly. I’m using next@latest, edge middleware, etc etc; works with next@12.x.x

if anyone has tips for using the returned latlng values with Algolia InstantSearch Hooks it’d be much appreciated. I currently have it all working in isolation; but when using both Google places and algolia in the same form the fetching strategies clash I think (fiddling with Promise.all([]) but might say fuck it and use global context, keep the worlds separate).

That said, it would be dope to see an algolia-instantsearch-hooks use places autocomplete integration

@DopamineDriven Thanks.

Is that code in "pages/_document.js"? I have similar code in document and it's not working for me.

import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from "next/document";
import Script from "next/script";

export default function Document() {
  return (
      <Head />
        <Main />
        <NextScript />

Without making the script available everywhere, putting it in _document, only this helped resolve the issue: #883 (comment)

Edit: the above only partially worked, since it would load once and no longer work on refresh.
Workaround: vercel/next.js#17919 (comment)

This issue occurs when usePlacesAutocomplete is initialized before the Google Maps script is loaded.

This can be accomplished with any of the strategies.

  1. beforeInteractive should anyways work as the google map script is loaded initially. But if it doesn't, same solution can be applied for that as well.
  2. if we have issues with afterInteractive or lazyOnLoad. we can do the following:

A. We set a flag somewhere in redux/zustand/context when the google maps script is loaded. The placement of script tag will depend on the use cases like:

  • If we are using external stores like zustand we can placed the script in _document.tsx
  • In case of context, the script needs to be places within the boundaries of context to be able to set the flag there.
      onLoad={() => useMapStore.setState({ isMapScriptLoaded: true })}

B. Wherever we are using usePlacesAutoComplete, we delay initialization of the hook based on our flag:

const isMapScriptLoaded = useMapStore((state) => state.isMapScriptLoaded);

const { init } = usePlacesAutocomplete({ initOnMount: false });

useEffect(() => {
    if (isMapScriptLoaded) {
}, [isMapScriptLoaded]);

The above example uses a zustand store, same can be implemented for redux or context as well.

Hey there: @paularah
What I have on my NextJS app v. 12.2.5 and seems to be working is putting the <Script /> from NextJs like this on the _document.js page.


However, this doesn't work for me when I put it on a single page inside the pages folder. So I guess the downside to it is that it will load mostly on every page, perhaps hurting performance, but I'm not 100% sure, so I don't want to claim things like that.

In short, putting it on _document.js should work!

I had same problem.
After some digging, I was able to work around using "use-google-maps-script" package hook.

Using this package, I was able to wait until script is loaded and then call the component to usePlacesAutocomplete.

@nyfever007 any chance you can paste a snippet? I tried reproducing your approach with no success.

@paularah By using use-google-maps-script package you can wait until script is loaded then call your address component.

import { Libraries, useGoogleMapsScript } from 'use-google-maps-script';
const libraries: Libraries = ['places'];
const App = () => {
  const { isLoaded, loadError } = useGoogleMapsScript({
    googleMapsApiKey: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOLGE_MAPS_API_KEY!,
  {isLoaded && (
          <AutoPlacesAddress setSelectedAddress={setSelectedAddress}    defaultValue={null}  />
export default App
import { useRef } from 'react';
import usePlacesAutocomplete, {  getDetails,  getGeocode,  getLatLng,} from 'use-places-autocomplete';
import { useOnClickOutside } from 'usehooks-ts';

type Props = {  setSelectedAddress: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<AddressFormValues>>;
  defaultValue: string | null;};
const AutoPlacesAddress = ({ setSelectedAddress, defaultValue }: Props) => {
  const {
    suggestions: { status, data },
  } = usePlacesAutocomplete({
    requestOptions: {
      /* Define search scope here */
    debounce: 500,
  const handleInput = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => {
  const ref = useRef(null);
  const handleClickOutside = () => {
 // use useOnClickOutside hook to close the suggestions when user clicks outside of the component
  useOnClickOutside(ref, handleClickOutside);
  const handleSelect =
    (suggestion: { description: string; place_id: string }) => async () => {
      // When user selects a place, we can replace the keyword without request data from API
      // by setting the second parameter to "false"
      setValue(suggestion.description, false);
      const placeId = {
        placeId: suggestion.place_id,
      try {
       const latlng = await getGeocode({ address: suggestion.description });
        const { lat, lng } = getLatLng(latlng[0]);
        const detail: any = await getDetails(placeId);
          address: suggestion.description,
          lat: lat,
          lng: lng,
      } catch (error) {
  const renderSuggestions = () =>
    data.map((suggestion) => {
      const {
        structured_formatting: { main_text, secondary_text },
      } = suggestion;
      return (
          className='w-full cursor-pointer border-b py-1 px-4  last-of-type:border-0 hover:bg-indigo-500 hover:text-white'
            {main_text} <small>{secondary_text}</small>

  return (
      <div ref={ref} className='relative'>
          className='form-input w-full rounded-md border-neutral-300 outline-none focus:border-dark-900 focus:outline-0 focus:ring-0'
        {/* We can use the "status" to decide whether we should display the dropdown or not */}
        {status === 'OK' && (
          <ul className='absolute top-10 w-full rounded-md border bg-neutral-50'>
export default AutoPlacesAddress;

If you want to dynamically load in the Google script when component mounts, this worked for me:

// hook
  const { init /*, ...rest */ } = usePlacesAutocomplete({
    initOnMount: false,

// component

Adding defer solve this issue for me

<Script defer id="googlemaps" src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=''&libraries=places" strategy="beforeInteractive" type="text/javascript" />

Per the recent Nextjs shift in best practices for loading beforeInteractive scripts, you can instantiate the library as pictured and it works perfectly. I’m using next@latest, edge middleware, etc etc; works with next@12.x.x AA66211F-B6D6-49DC-85FB-90708DD14C6A

if anyone has tips for using the returned latlng values with Algolia InstantSearch Hooks it’d be much appreciated. I currently have it all working in isolation; but when using both Google places and algolia in the same form the fetching strategies clash I think (fiddling with Promise.all([]) but might say fuck it and use global context, keep the worlds separate).

That said, it would be dope to see an algolia-instantsearch-hooks use places autocomplete integration 4ED8D13C-9C3E-4A1F-88C6-5611F3A8B35A

Did you have working like this?

Screen Shot 2023-05-11 at 20 09 10

@avaneeshtripathi thanks a lot! Your solution with init() worked well. Had issue waiting for loads on refresh and this solves it!