
Icons for "info" and "note" admonitions should be the other way around

grifferz opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug Report


Zola version: 0.19.0
tabi version or commit: HEAD

Expected Behavior

I would expect "Info" admonitions to have an icon that resembles an 'i' and "Note" admonitions to have one that is more striking.

Current Behavior

Currently "Info" admonitions have an icon that resembles an exclamation mark in a circle, while "Note" admonitions have one that resembles an 'i'. This just seems backwards because it makes the "Info" icon more alarming than the "Note" icon.

Step to Reproduce

The current icon appearance can be seen on the documentation for admonitions at https://welpo.github.io/tabi/blog/shortcodes/#admonitions

I appreciate this may be a matter of taste although it seems correct to me that these icons should just be switched. For now I have overridden this in my CSS.

The design is based off Docusaurus: https://docusaurus.io/docs/markdown-features/admonitions

I'd be happy to reconsider other specific icons, though.

I'm not sure about swapping them; the exclamation mark seems excessive for the Note.

Some notes might be more important than others. I opted for adding the parameter icon to the admonition shortcode in #340.

Hope that helps! :)

I still don't think it makes sense that the default icon for info is a '!' while the default icon for note is an 'i', but I will take that up with the Docusaurus repo.

Your addition of the icon parameter does allow me to fix that without overriding anything, so thank you!