
Enable pylint and autocomplete support for IDEs

proapi opened this issue · 0 comments


after switching to django-split-settings, and setting up the project with examples supplied in the documentation I have a problem, because my pylint configuration is complaining about missing attributes inside settings module:

************* Module xxx
xxx.py:114:23: E1101: Module 'project.settings' has no 'DEBUG' member (no-member)

I also don't have autocomplete within PyCharm/VSCode.

Anything that I can do to import all of the settings when checking the code?

Here is my init.py inside settings module:

This is a django-split-settings main file.
For more information read this:
Default environment is `developement`.
To change settings file:
`DJANGO_ENV=production python manage.py runserver`
from os import environ

from split_settings.tools import include
from split_settings.tools import optional

ENV = environ.get("DJANGO_ENV") or "development"

base_settings = [
    # Select the right env:
    # Optionally override some settings:

# Include settings:

Looking forward for a reply! Have a good day! :)