
This is an scatter plot with multiple dimensions, by clicking on different dimensions result dynamically updated transition of data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Web App link is here: https://wenbin-billy-zhao.github.io/D3JS-Plot-with-Animated-Transitions/index.html

screen shot

This is a scatter plot with multiple dimensions, by clicking on different dimensions result dynamically updated transition of data

Process building this graph:

Import Health Data Set from csv file (data source: US Census Data)

Using D3.csv import data, then use javascript type cast and manipulate data set

Create svg canvas

Add proper transitions for X/Y axis calculations based on screen size of the view port

Add scatter plot

Add tooltips

Add event listeners to react to user input (click on different labels)

The D3 transition properties calcualte new X/Y cordinates of the scatter bubbles and transition them properly.
