
visualization for fractionated samples

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Dear PDV developers team,
I would like to visualize the MSfragger results for a fractionated sample. In this case I only have 1 pepxml file and 2 mzML raw spectra. How can I use PDV for this visualization? Unfortunately the PDV 1.7.3 gives an error message when I tried to import both raw files. Please see the attached image.

Could you please try to input the *.tsv file generated by MSfragger? PDV should support multiple mzML files with that result file. Please let me know if it still doesn't work.

Thanks for getting back to me.
I forgot to mention that I am using the "Nonspecific-HLA" workflow in FragPipe. I tested the PDV1.7.3 and it failed to visualize the results from a single file. Can PDV help with the none-specific HLA peptide searches?
I am happy to share a sample file in case you are interested.

That's great. Could you please share your data(FragPipe result file, pepXML and tsv, and spectrum files) with me?

Please find all the FragPipe output + the mzML file in this zipped file:

Thanks. I will take a try.

@fazeliniah, could you try the new version of PDV (v1.7.4)? I downloaded the file test-PDV_HLA.zip and it could be loaded into PDV (v1.7.4) for visualizing.

@fazeliniah, below please find a screenshot about how to load the files input PDV:
Identification File: psm.tsv
Spectrum(s) File: *.mzML

Thank you so much for your effort. It is working on my side now. Appreciate all your help with this.