
Viewing TIMS ToF data from Fragpipe

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, I processed .d raw files with Fragpipe and wish to review the identifications.
It is not clear which raw files I should use because the data was read directly in Fragpipe and was not transformed to mzML.


Hi Yishai,

Fragpipe now supports export results into PDV directly. You could click the "Open FragPipe-PDV viewer" on the "Run" panel after finishing the analysis in Fragpipe.


If you want to visualize the closed result, you could point your result folder in the "Output dir" field on the "Run" panel and click the "Viewer" button:

Please make sure there are no files deleted in your result folder.


May I ask which version of Fragpipe you are using right now? 18.x or 19.x? Fragpipe 19 changed some file names in the result folder. If you open the old version result with the new version of Fragpipe, it might cause some problems.

If it's ok, could you share your log_*.txt files and *-manifest files in the result folder with me?

FragPipe 19 changed a lot in result folder structure. Based on your log file, this is the result generated by FragPipe 18. If you want to visualize this result, please try to use FragPipe 18. If you met the error, please try to replace the PDV in v18 with this one https://github.com/Nesvilab/FragPipe-PDV/releases/tag/V1.0.3 following the tutorial https://github.com/Nesvilab/FragPipe-PDV/blob/master/README.md . We have stopped the support of v18, please use the latest FragPipe in the future analysis.
