
Create Elchemy organisation on GitHub

wende opened this issue ยท 8 comments

wende commented

I'm not completely aware of what are the gains of moving a repo into an organisation, but it seems that our community is growing to the point of it being a good idea.

Is anyone familiar with what are the pros and cons of moving a repo into an organisation?

Repos that would be moved:

And with a confirmation from Bogdan Popa maybe Bogdanp/elm-ast as well, since it's being mostly developed by our contributors (68.6% commits and 71.7% LOC according to git-extra summary)

Here are pros and cons I can think of:


  • More convincing branding (People seem to trust organisations more than single developers)
  • Better incentive for contributors to be a part of the community
  • One common group for all of the Elchemy-related repositories
  • (???)


  • A lot of renaming in domains, articles, links etc
  • Changing a link will make a lot of mentions around the web point to 404 (after a while when Github stops redirecting)
  • (???)

Changing a link will make a lot of mentions around the web point to 404 (after a while when Github stops redirecting)

Can always set up this repo again as a bounce repo to point to the main one in that case.

Regardless, still better to do this early/now than later, even with a few occasionally broken links. :-)

Yes, I agree with Overmind here.
The longer you wait, the more you break ;)

When you transfer from personal to org GitHub handles redirection, I would guess the mentions you're referring to would not result in 404s.

I currently have the github organization named 'elchemy' and I don't mind giving you the name - gratis. (github.com/elchemy)

'Elchemy' is a name worthy of a full-featured Elixir web framework. Any chance for Elchemy to develop into a full-featured Elixir framework like Phoenix - with Channels, etc ?

Maybe you could team up with Ace + Raxx (https://github.com/CrowdHailer/raxx) for the back-end webserver and Drab (https://tg.pl/drab) for responsive server-controlled pages...

wende commented

@joelseagull Hi! That's so nice of you!

We have a plan to release a type-safe wrapper around Phoenix, as a matter of fact, there have been some attempts to do PoC around Plug.Conn. Currently, however, the whole project is in a state of a hiccup because of the destructive impact of Elm 0.19. We will be moving away from Elm's compiler, of which we were (and still are) using the type checker. It will be rewritten and thanks to that also possibly extended by some features (if the community decides something worth it). However, we always plan to keep to be a superset of Elm and allow to compile Elm's libraries. Given that now they don't allow calling Native it's going to be easier to control that

I didn't know about the existence of either Drab or Raxx. I'll definitely check them out

wende commented

@joelseagull Drab looks amazing. Though I think it might get overshadowed by current developments of Phoenixe's LiveView

wende commented

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Just for note, thus far everything stated about LiveView already exists in Drab.Live, and Drab has a lot more functionality than just that (including the shared commanders are amazing), in addition the other modules can be used to build real-time interop with other JS libraries instead of just 'owning' the entire thing like LiveView is expected to do. LiveView is a minimal implementation to get going.