
SpringsAngularApp is a sandbox web application with basic user management domain module. It allows you to login and create users and assign roles to them. Single page architecture supported by angular and secured by Spring Security allows using of static HTML pages. ORM based domain module provides clear management of domain objects with all OOP benefits. Application uses spring Internationalization and localization mechanisms. Most of business logic covered with unit tests. Used technologies: Spring 4 Boot(IOC, MVC, Security, Data, tx, Test) Hibernate 5.0.6 Gradle Git JavaScript, Angular(with some extra modules), Bootstrap, bower. PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageJava

#SpringAngularApp SpringAngularApp is a sandbox web application based on Spring, Angular and many other technologies.

###Application structure

  • Login page
  • Home page
  • Configuration page
  • User management module

Application allows you to navigate accross the pages that you have access to. User management module provides functionallity to create and modify existing users. These users are used to login to the system.

The application has the following traits:

  • Single page structure;
  • Spring security secures access to resources (The server side won't get you data which you don't have access to. While angular will hide every element on the UI which should not be accessable by the user) ;
  • Spring MVC based RESTful web services provides JSON answers on HTTP methods GET/POST/PUT/DELETE;
  • ORM based domain model;
  • Good test coverage (Spring mvc tests, unit tests, integration tests) ;
  • Server side validation(Spring validators + angular directives);
  • Static web pages (Only static HTML, no JSP and other dynamic pages) ;
  • Annotation based Spring and Hibernate configuration;
  • Integration tests with in-memory database H2;
  • Internalization


  • Spring Framework 4 (Core, Boot, MVC, Transaction, Security, ORM);
  • Hibernate Framework 5;
  • Gradle;
  • jUnit;
  • Java Script (AngularJS, Bootstrap, ajax, plugins);
  • Bower

**NEW Added CRUD for user groups

###Page examples

####Login page

enter image description here

####Home page

enter image description here

####User management

enter image description here


enter image description here

####Internalization enter image description here

Quick setup(database) :

In order to setup the database you need to specify its configuration in the following config: application.properties. Having configured that, to add the default data, you need to call a REST method that is provided by springAngularApp.system.ws.InitDBController. Just call http://localhost:8080/initDB and expect the OK status.