
some samtools command does not use -@ parameter

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Recently,I used your software and when I run the test command that I found there is something wrong with samtools below above:

------ Start pipeline ------
bam file not specified, map raw reads tp genome via bwa mem Wed Jun 28 15:27:25 CST 2023
transform sam to sorted bam and index it Wed Jun 28 15:27:27 CST 2023
get concordant-uniq-split reads Wed Jun 28 15:27:30 CST 2023
[M::bam2fq_mainloop] processed 0 reads
check fragment length Wed Jun 28 15:27:32 CST 2023
insert size set to 95 quantile: 458
get mate seq of the uniq-unpaired Wed Jun 28 15:27:33 CST 2023
fastq: invalid option -- '@'
Usage: samtools fastq [options...] <in.bam>
-0 FILE write paired reads flagged both or neither READ1 and READ2 to FILE
-1 FILE write paired reads flagged READ1 to FILE
-2 FILE write paired reads flagged READ2 to FILE
-f INT only include reads with all bits set in INT set in FLAG [0]
-F INT only include reads with none of the bits set in INT set in FLAG [0]
-n don't append /1 and /2 to the read name
-O output quality in the OQ tag if present
-s FILE write singleton reads to FILE [assume single-end]
-t copy RG, BC and QT tags to the FASTQ header line
-v INT default quality score if not given in file [1]
--input-fmt-option OPT[=VAL]
Specify a single input file format option in the form
--reference FILE
Reference sequence FASTA FILE [null]
map paired split uniqMappers and unpaired uniqMappers to transposons Wed Jun 28 15:27:34 CST 2023
merge fragments in genome and transposon Wed Jun 28 15:27:34 CST 2023
mytest.t is empty
merge support reads in the same direction within 458 - Wed Jun 28 15:27:35 CST 2023
expr: syntax error
/TEMP2/bin/TEMP2_insertion.sh: line 208: [: -lt: unary operator expected
sort: cannot read: mytest.supportReads/*.bed: No such file or directory

It is that samtools fastq and index now did not use the parameter -@ so it can not run,hope you can advise this mistake.

Meanwhile, If I want to run hg38 genome, I don't find the TE fasta file and TE bed file, and when I use the rmsk file download from (http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/rmsk.txt.gz) ,I find it is different with the rmsk.bed with each column mean. It would be great if you were able to provide reference files in the github.

Hi, only recent version of samtools support multithread (the -@ parameter) in some of its modules. Please re-install your samtools and make sure its version is >=1.9. You can make a conda environment to avoid conflict with your current samtools.