
I have some problem about code

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In the code, what are their meaning that LOWERED_CSRMM,LOWERED_CCNMM and DIRECT_SCONV?
In the process of making sparsification, whether you use existing library, example mkl on CPU and CUDA on GPU

Here is the explanation. DIRECT_SCONV is deprecated in this branch and moved to https://github.com/IntelLabs/SkimCaffe. We used mkl sparse BLAS and CUDA cuSPARSE for sparse computation.

thank you,I have new query that how to set the number of number? what is reason? which is divided into different group that columns or rows??

I don't quite understand your questions. The way you set group/block sizes depends on what kinds of structured sparsity you want to learn. After learning, some blocks/groups will be removed. Hope this answers your questions.