
Does not build

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This was also posted to help-gnucap mailing list

Spicelib fails to build. This is what I did:

  1. $ git clone http://github.com/werner2101/spicelib.git
  2. $ make all (in spicelib folder)
    ... downloading from nxp, ti, national...
    ... unpacking ...
  3. Error message:

Fixed file "model_library/nxp/bipolar/2PB709ART.prm"
scripts/replace_string.py "1 BCX56 NPN" "1 BCX56" model_library/nxp/bipolar/BCX56.prm
ERROR: searchstring not found "1 BCX56 NPN"
make: *** [create_nxp_bipolar] Error 255

I have the following files (among others) in model_library/nxp/bipolar

The BCX56.prm looks the following:

.SUBCKT BCX56 1 2 3

  • NXP Semiconductors
  • Medium power NPN transistor
  • Ic= max 1A
  • Vceo= max 80V
  • hFE= 63 - 250 @Vce = 2 V; IC = 150 mA
  • Extraction date (week/year): 37/2009
  • Simulator: Spice 3
  •      C
  •      |
  • _____4_____
  • | |
  • | | SOT89
  • | |
  • |___________|
  •   3  2  1
  •   |  |  |
  •   B  C  E
  • Diode D1 is dedicated to improve modeling in reverse
  • mode of operation and does not reflect a physical device.
    Q1 2 3 1 MAIN
    D1 3 2 DIODE
  • IS = 7.905E-014
  • NF = 0.9948
  • ISE = 6.507E-015
  • NE = 1.302
  • BF = 143
  • IKF = 0.45
  • VAF = 8
  • NR = 0.9943
  • ISC = 2.266E-014
  • NC = 1.361
  • BR = 35.83
  • IKR = 1.8
  • VAR = 81
  • RB = 10.4
  • IRB = 0.0011
  • RBM = 2.5
  • RE = 0.0864
  • RC = 0.1173
  • XTB = 0
  • EG = 1.11
  • XTI = 3
  • CJE = 1.442E-010
  • VJE = 0.7013
  • MJE = 0.3245
  • TF = 7.8E-010
  • XTF = 7
  • VTF = 5
  • ITF = 2
  • PTF = 0
  • CJC = 2.052E-011
  • VJC = 0.5
  • MJC = 0.4015
  • XCJC = 1
  • TR = 2.3E-008
  • CJS = 0
  • VJS = 0.75
  • MJS = 0.333
  • FC = 0.9
  • IS = 1.323E-014
  • N = 0.9814
  • BV = 1000
  • IBV = 0.001
  • RS = 3185
  • CJO = 0
  • VJ = 1
  • M = 0.5
  • FC = 0
  • TT = 0
  • EG = 1.11
  • XTI = 3

Hi mogliii,

we are no longer using make to build and test the models.
We switched to scons which is more powerfull. The Makefile is outdated.

The commands you should use are the same:

  • scons download
    or scons download_[vendor]
  • scons create
    or scons create_[vendor]
  • scons test
    or scons test_[vendor]_[libraryname]

I think we should update the docs and remove the Makefile.

PS: your post on help-gnucap was much shorter ;-)

fixed by fmaker

Thanks a lot