
Support for category_image?

erbertian opened this issue · 5 comments


Thanks for the great plug-in. Is it possible to use {category_image} within a tag pair? If not, is it possible to add it as a feature?

Many thanks,

Sure thing. Let me know how the changes work for you.

Hi Wes,

thanks very much for implementing the update so quickly. It doesn't quite seem to work. Here is the rendered code:
<img src="{filedir_1}tours-architecture.jpg"> <img src="{filedir_1}tours-art.jpg">

The tours-architecture.jpg and tours-art.jpg are correct the {filedir_1} I guess should be replaced by the upload directory?

Many thanks again.

I've pushed up a change that should fix it. Mind testing it out?

Great thanks. I'll try it out when I'm in the studio on Monday and let you know. Many thanks

Hi Wes, I've tested the new file and it's working perfectly. Many thanks for adding that feature. Best, erbertian