
Include parent of selected child categories

620studio opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using the plugin to give photos in a Matrix field the ability to have categories from the category list. Then using a drop-down list in the slideshow to filter the photos they'd like to see based on categories. I'm using a Matrix field since individual entries for photos is too cumbersome.

Using the exp:channel:categories tag, parent categories must be selected to show children. In Global Preferences, this is set to yes, however the plugin doesn't obey this setting. I can see this either being a setting in the plugin itself or should follow the Global Preferences setting to autoselect the parent category when a child is submitted.

Otherwise the plugin is great and does exactly what it needs to!


Steve this fieldtype isn't really made for what you're using it for, it's only made to pick out a category and return a category ID. It could easily do those things you're asking for, but it would serve an entirely different purpose than what I originally intended. I'd say you're probably looking for another add-on.