
Error occured after install plugin

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I made custom plugin and comment out the Dockerfile line below.

# install plugins if necessary
# ;;
# ;; NOTE: In GROWI v3 and later,
# ;;       2 of official plugins (growi-plugin-lsx and growi-plugin-pukiwiki-like-linker)
# ;;       are now included in the 'weseek/growi' image.
# ;;       Therefore you will not need following lines except when you install third-party plugins.
# ;;
RUN echo "install plugins" \
 && yarn add \
     growi-plugin-XXX \
     growi-plugin-YYY \
 && echo "done."
# you must rebuild if install plugin at least one
RUN npm run build:prod

after build the container, I saw below error in my growi top directory.

Error occured in mt
TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
    in mt
    in t
    in ForwardRef
    in div
    in div
    in $t
    in t
    in ForwardRef
    in div
    in div
    in p
    in div
    in t
    in $n
    in t
    in ForwardRef
    in p
    in i
    in B

how can i fix it?


As you can see in the NOTE, GROWI v3 or later includes official plugins.

So you can leave the codes commented out.


I made custom plugin

Oh, sorry, I coudn't realize your comment.

Coud you setup development environment?


Dev environment will dump more detail errors.

Further more, if you can read Japanese, docs for developing plugins are here.


thank you for reply!

I just pull and rename your growi-plugin-boilerplate repository, and upload to my repository.
After that, add yarn add username/repository to Dockerfile and rebuild by docker-compose.
I think this error comes from version inconsistency of package.json.
(I also rename the path in src/client/js/components/Foo.jsx)

I haven't setup the development environment.
I will try it and read the documents! thank you!