
Will there be a new version of DinoSOAR that will work with SO2.3.100?

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h4m5t commented

I read your notes in the readme :

NOTE: The above article has since been deprecated, as TheHive has been removed from Security Onion (as of version 2.3.100) -- a new > article is currently in development to address these changes.

So,Will there be a new version of DinoSOAR that will work with SO2.3.100 or later?
Thank you very much!

Hi! I've already put in some work into revising this for newer versions of Security Onion, and plan on making it available as soon as I can. Thanks for the interest!

h4m5t commented

Thank you!

Planning on bugging you in Augusta about this @weslambert :D I've been working on your adapting your framework using n8n and Elastic Cases (instead of The Hive) but am having a heck of a time connecting the API.

No worries! I moved to having the project use Security Onion Cases instead of TheHive, but I have not tried Elastic Cases. It should be pretty straightforward. I would be happy to chat soon.

That would be even better! I chose elastic cases because there is a well documented API, but I'd rather use SOC cases as well. Do you have a WIP repo that I could peruse for guidance?