Add typescript definition
Opened this issue · 5 comments
TheLox95 commented
Would be fine to add Typescript definitions to the library
wesleytodd commented
I would gladly take a PR for this!
wesleytodd commented
My above comment still stands. If anyone wants to do that I would be very happy!
blipk commented
I used GPT to generate some types for this, not sure how correct they are, but its stopped enough complaints for me.
declare module "@wesleytodd/openapi" {
import type { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express"
import type { OpenAPIV3 } from "openapi-types"
type Middleware = ( req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction ) => void;
interface OpenApiOptions {
openapi?: string;
info?: {title: string, description: string, version: string};
interface OpenApiMiddleware extends Middleware {
routePrefix: string;
document: OpenAPIV3.Document;
generateDocument: ( options: {
paths?: string | string[];
doc?: Partial<OpenAPIV3.Document>;
basePath?: string;
} ) => OpenAPIV3.Document;
options: OpenApiOptions;
path: ( schema?: OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject ) => Middleware;
validPath: ( schema?: OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject, pathOpts?: object ) => Middleware;
component: ( type: ComponentType, name?: string, description?: object ) => ComponentReturnType;
schema: ( name: string, description: OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject ) => OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject;
response: ( name: string, description: OpenAPIV3.ResponseObject ) => OpenAPIV3.ResponseObject;
parameters: ( name: string, description: OpenAPIV3.ParameterObject ) => OpenAPIV3.ParameterObject;
examples: ( name: string, description: OpenAPIV3.ExampleObject ) => OpenAPIV3.ExampleObject;
requestBodies: ( name: string, description: OpenAPIV3.RequestBodyObject ) => OpenAPIV3.RequestBodyObject;
headers: ( name: string, description: OpenAPIV3.HeaderObject ) => OpenAPIV3.HeaderObject;
securitySchemes: ( name: string, description: OpenAPIV3.SecuritySchemeObject ) => OpenAPIV3.SecuritySchemeObject;
links: ( name: string, description: OpenAPIV3.LinkObject ) => OpenAPIV3.LinkObject;
callbacks: ( name: string, description: OpenAPIV3.CallbackObject ) => OpenAPIV3.CallbackObject;
swaggerui: ( options?: OpenApiOptions ) => Middleware[];
type ComponentType =
| "schemas"
| "responses"
| "parameters"
| "examples"
| "requestBodies"
| "headers"
| "securitySchemes"
| "links"
| "callbacks";
type ComponentReturnType =
| OpenAPIV3.ReferenceObject
| OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject
| OpenAPIV3.ResponseObject
| OpenAPIV3.ParameterObject
| OpenAPIV3.ExampleObject
| OpenAPIV3.RequestBodyObject
| OpenAPIV3.HeaderObject
| OpenAPIV3.SecuritySchemeObject
| OpenAPIV3.LinkObject
| OpenAPIV3.CallbackObject;
function ExpressOpenApi( routePrefix?: string, doc?: OpenAPIV3.Document, opts?: OpenApiOptions ): OpenApiMiddleware;
function ExpressOpenApi( doc?: OpenAPIV3.Document, opts?: OpenApiOptions ): OpenApiMiddleware;
function ExpressOpenApi( opts?: OpenApiOptions ): OpenApiMiddleware;
namespace ExpressOpenApi {
const minimumViableDocument: OpenAPIV3.Document
const defaultRoutePrefix: string
export = ExpressOpenApi;
wesleytodd commented
Would you open this as a PR?
blipk commented
No, I'm not actually sure how correct it is or how to bundle it, and I decided to just use TSOA instead.