
Moment.js not found

danfinlay opened this issue · 5 comments

Should Moment.js be in the ember-datepicker bower or package json files?

I'm getting this error during ember-cli build:
Path or pattern "bower_components/ember-cli-datepicker/js/moment.js" did not match any files.

This seems to have to do with the fact that your Brocfile points to bower_components but you've imported these dependencies through vendor_addon.

Is there a correct way to use this the way you have it prepared, or is this a bug?

This may actually have to do with an ember-cli update that may have broken functionality.

DEPRECATION: ember-cli-datepicker is using the deprecated ember-addon-main definition. It should be updated to {'ember-addon': {'main': 'lib/ember-cli-datepicker.js'}}

Nope, Path or pattern "bower_components/ember-cli-datepicker/js/moment.js" did not match any files. Going to ask in IRC, I'm not that familiar with Broccoli / ember-cli and their resolvers.

This was a problem with me being on an older ember-cli.

The real bug here is that you seem to have misused semver versioning, breaking dependent projects by changing your API without making a major version bump.

For now I'll consider it resolved.

Ya, totally my fault for breaking semver. I didn't realise anybody was using this. I'll be more careful in the future.