
Vimeo player embedder extendable with plugins

Primary LanguageJavaScript


vimeowrap is an easy to use Vimeo player embedder that can be extended with plugins.


  • Uses oEmbed so the embed code is always up to date
  • Playlist support, play videos one after another
  • Extendable with plugins



<div id="player"></div>
<script src="http://luwes.co/vimeowrap.js/vimeowrap.js"></script>
		urls: [

Carousel Plugin

<div id="player"></div>
<script src="http://luwes.co/vimeowrap.js/vimeowrap.js"></script>
<script src="http://luwes.co/vimeowrap.js/vimeowrap.carousel.js"></script>
		urls: [
		plugins: {
			'carousel': {}


parameter default description
urls (required) Array with the Vimeo URL's. User or video URL's are supported.
width 480 Width of the Vimeo player.
height 280 Height of the Vimeo player.
autoplay false Automatically start playback of the video. Note that this won’t work on some devices.
repeat none What to do when the video has ended.
none: stop playback when a video is completed.
list: play each video in the playlist once, stop at the end.
always: continously play the video (or all videos in the playlist).
single: continously repeat the current video in the playlist.
item 0 Use this to load the player with a specific playlist item instead of the first item.
plugins Object with plugins. Plugins are seperate javascript files that extend the functionality of vimeowrap.
color 00adef Specify the color of the video controls.
byline true Show the byline on the video.
title true Show the title on the video.
portrait true Show the user's portrait on the video.