
RenderFlex issue with 4+ tabs

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I've been experiencing this issue on my Iphone 5s simulator. With 4 BubbleBottomBarItem and a FloatingActionButton docked in the bar, if the text is too long I've got a pixel overflow.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Use a smartphone with a little screen size, Iphone 5s simulator (4 inches) in my case
  • 4 items
  • One of the item has a long title
  • Click on the title

Might be the same as this issue: #6 but you said it has been fixed (I'm using version 1.2.0)

Really appeared again, confirm. But in release mode it is not seen as long as the error is not shown, so probably no problem

Please fix this. Or please let us use Expanded as Title.