
Please remove badge import

Opened this issue · 4 comments

error build: ../../../development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dev/bubble_bottom_bar-2.0.0/lib/bubble_bottom_bar.dart:195:14: Error: ‘Badge’ is imported from both ‘package:badges/src/badge.dart’ and ‘package:flutter/src/material/badge.dart’.

Hi there, I was also having the same issue. This is caused by a naming conflict between the badges package and the flutter material badge widget.

A possible solution is to use an alias for one of the imports, like this in bubble_bottom_bar.dart file under dartPackages:

import 'package:badges/src/badge.dart' as badges;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

Then you can use badges.Badge or Badge to refer to the different classes. I hope this helps you. Also remember to Change animationType: BadgeAnimationType.fade --> animationType: badge.BadgeAnimationType.fade, so that the Enum will be addressed from Badge plugin.

Hi! I have also problem ((

Remove this import

We still need it