
Fine-tuning Script

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for sharing this interesting work. I was wondering if you are going to share the scripts for fine-tuning LLMs.

Thank you for your attention and sorry for the late reply.

We have released the code and script for training and testing.
Take the End2end MoRec for text recommendation (Bert-base + SASRec) as an example, you can run 'cd bce_text/main-end2end', then 'python train_bert_base.py'.
The files looked like 'train_xxx.py' are the scripts, you can change the parameters in these files, the details maybe need to be adjusted based on your GPU resources and Python environment.

It is worth noting that "LLMs" usually refer to models with comparable parameters to GPT-3, much larger than the Bert and Roberta used in our paper. Due to the GPU limitation and the challenges of fine-tuning, LLMs are not considered in our paper. How to apply End2end LLMs to Recsys is a valuable research direction.