
axi-ethernet files are not complete

SajedeNick1999 opened this issue · 1 comments

I want to use axi-ethernet.
Which NetDev_API_<controller> should I use in NetIF_Add function?
Note : file "ucos_tcpip_init" for this purpose uses NetDev_API_XIL_ETHER from "Dev/Ether/XIL_ETHER/net_dev_xil_ether.h" but net_dev_xil_ether.h does not exist in repository


Unfortunately, support for axi-ethernet is not available.
The references to that driver may have been mistakenly added at some point in the past when a driver was in development, but the open-sourced version of the uC stacks don't appear to support it.
I recommend use of the axi-ethernet-lite instead.