
how to get a version to show on pkg.go.dev

Closed this issue · 2 comments

jba commented

Hi, pkg.go.dev maintainer here. This is a response to your anonymous feedback from February 8. Apologies for the delay.

We get all our module information from the proxy (proxy.golang.org). So whenever you or anyone else go gets a version of your module through the proxy (which is the default setting for go get), then we'll soon see it and process it.

So if you just run go get github.com/westphae/geomag@v1.0.2, it should show up on pkg.go.dev shortly.

We're working on a better system, where you can click a button on the site to fetch a new version.

Thank you! I'll give that a try.

Closed. Worked great. Thanks for the response!