
Question - JSON Path notation filtering for arrays of objects

at88mph opened this issue · 1 comments

Consider this JSON:

  "user" : {
    "personalDetails" : {
      "firstName": "Max",
      "lastName": "Power"
    "identities" : {
      "$" : [
          "identity" : {
            "@type" : "HTTP",
            "$" : "value1"
          "identity" : {
            "@type" : "OIDC",
            "$" : "value2"

If I want to obtain the value if /user/identities/$/identity/$ where the @type == HTTP in traditional JSON Path, I could do something like /user/identities/$[?(@.identity.@type=='HTTP')]/identity/$ (not tested, but close). Can something similar be achieved with the data-json-manager's JSON Pointer syntax? If not, how would I go about this? Thank you.

Have you try:

<div wb-jsonmanager='{ "url: "yourJSONfile.json#/user/identities/$/", "filter": { "path": "/identity//@type", "value": "HTTP" }, "name": "question1917" }></div>

<p data-json-replace="#[question1917]/identity/$">Will be replaced by the value for the property "$"</p>

Filtering only work on arrays. If you need, it is possible to chain multiple json-manager together.

The JSON pointer functionality work as defined in section 6 of the RFC6901 standard