
Question: Are the .css files of WET3.1 encompassed by WET4, if yes where/or by which ones?

hsrudnicki opened this issue · 12 comments

I am doing a project conversion from WET3 to WET4, and the most part is done, however there are the following .css files:

to be replaced by WET4 files, but by which ones?

again, here are the WET3 files to the above question where the files' stuff had been put into WET4:

For any WET4 setup I have a folder called static/dist with all assets, css, font, and javascript files.

  • /static/assets
  • /static/css
  • /static/font
  • /static/js

Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 12 10 43 PM

Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 12 10 54 PM

Thank you Kody, but the above information, containing WET4 .css and .js files/references, is still not sufficient in my case to get exactly the same footer and header in existing asp.net mvc forms based WET3.1. I could convert the most but not in 100%.

Might wanna look at using Government of Canada Web Usability theme it is limited to v4.0.27, but it the best your gonna get to make this an easy transition, but regardless there gonna have to be rework of your html to make this work.

My post above (#362 (comment)) has a link that talks about the css class name changes in WET3 vs WET4.

Since css class name changed there is no super simple or easy transition.

When we did the change at Service Canada, we created a temporary CSS file with a lot of same class names from v3 but had the rules for v4 and then slowing fixed the actually content to use the write one. We scanned our site and created a list of all the classes that were used.

In the meantime, FYI: the css and js of themes-dist-4.0.27-theme-gcwu-fegc have been used/called in the project under conversion to WET4. I am still tackling the conversion issue(s), it's no straightforward as seems/told already. Thx

The conversion from WET3 to WET4 would not be easy, Like the grid system are different, the CSS component WET3 module cann't be map directly to a WET4 panel or a WET4 alert just to name a few.

@thekodester has provided some great resource that could help you execute that project.

Like @shawnthompson mentioned, using a temporary CSS during the switch over WET4 is almost essential if you need to keep the normal web publishing activities.

Thank you for response, I already followed similar samples, as for example based on WET4 that has been used to convert existing ASP.NET MVC Forms project with WET3.1 libraries, but I still cannot get the expected results to get at once a header, footer, as well form that is synchronous, and using Action Method to pass the object of Model class, it's not of Asynchronous Ajax Forms. Maybe because of the difference in creating MVC forms, as well non-mvc forms, there are some differences in conversion/migration to WET4 or higher (?)

There is a .NET repo based on WET 4: https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew-dotnet

It hasn't been updated in years, but might get you in right direction.

Unfortunately, that repo uses WebForms and not MVC, so may not be a great fit.

@hsrudnicki there is now a new repository with a few .NET component for WET4. Take a look at https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew-dotnet-controls