
Bitcloud Logo

Opened this issue · 2 comments

We need Bitcloud logos, because the logos we have aren't in very good quality. Can you provide us all logos you have, @BlueMetro?

I would suggest we need the following logos, but please, if you don't have the described logos, just send me the logos you already created - don't waste your time creating if you don't want/have this logos.

  • Bitcloud logo large, transparent background.
  • Bitcloud logo medium, transparent background.
  • Bitcloud logo small, transparent background.

Any question, please let me know.
If you don't know how to use Git to send me the images, compress it (.rar, .zip) and send to fnpaladini@gmail.com.


I found this, I'm not sure who gave this to me though.

@OzairP , this isn't the official Bitcloud logo :/ This is one of the Bitcloud Logo Contest, we can't use it because isn't the official, elected by people here.