useEthersProvider Example TS error
Pfed-prog opened this issue · 2 comments
Pfed-prog commented
Describe the bug
Code from
import { type Config, getClient } from '@wagmi/core'
import { FallbackProvider, JsonRpcProvider } from 'ethers'
import type { Client, Chain, Transport } from 'viem'
export function clientToProvider(client: Client<Transport, Chain>) {
const { chain, transport } = client
const network = {
ensAddress: chain.contracts?.ensRegistry?.address,
if (transport.type === 'fallback') {
const providers = (transport.transports as ReturnType<Transport>[]).map(
({ value }) => new JsonRpcProvider(value?.url, network),
if (providers.length === 1) return providers[0]
return new FallbackProvider(providers)
return new JsonRpcProvider(transport.url, network)
/** Action to convert a viem Client to an ethers.js Provider. */
export function getEthersProvider(
config: Config,
{ chainId }: { chainId?: number } = {},
) {
const client = getClient(config, { chainId })
return clientToProvider(client)
It definitely fixed the warning per gitroll, but thats an error.
Link to Minimal Reproducible Example
No response
Steps To Reproduce
No response
Wagmi Version
Viem Version
TypeScript Version
Check existing issues
- I checked there isn't already an issue for the bug I encountered.
Anything else?
No response
Pfed-prog commented
export function useEthersProvider({ chainId }: { chainId?: number } = {}) {
const client = useClient<Config>({ chainId });
// Define the provider outside of the conditional statement
const provider = useMemo(() => {
if (client) {
return clientToProvider(client);
}, [client]);
return provider
this might fix, not sure, but please try