
sendTransaction not work by Email wallet

Closed this issue · 2 comments

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Describe the bug

i use Email wallet( google account) i try to send token erc20, but it's not work and throw error
{code: -32000, message: "intrinsic gas too low"}, i try change gas rawTransaction, but it's not work

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Steps To Reproduce

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Hello @Hungduc123.

Please provide a minimal reproduction using StackBlitz, TypeScript Playground (for type issues), or a separate minimal GitHub repository.

Minimal reproductions are required as they save us a lot of time reproducing your config/environment and issue, and allow us to help you faster.

Once a minimal reproduction is added, a team member will confirm it works, then re-open the issue.

This issue has been locked since it has been closed for more than 14 days.

If you found a concrete bug or regression related to it, please open a new bug report with a reproduction against the latest Wagmi version. If you have any questions or comments you can create a new discussion thread.