
Shared Devices are not showing up

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Govee Device SKU

Multiple Devices

Govee2MQTT Version


Describe the issue

All my devices show up however any of the devices people have shared with me via Govee do not show up. My son has his govee lights and I have mine under each other's accounts. Want to either be able to put in multiple Govee accounts or for us to put in 1 account in the Govee2MQTT setup and have it pull the shared devices.

His items are "Bedroom Light 1, bedroom Light 2, and Wall Lights"

Startup Diagnostics

++ cd /app
++ exec /app/govee serve
[2024-05-11T16:33:54 INFO govee::commands::serve] Starting service. version 2024.04.29-30cf7732
[2024-05-11T16:33:54 INFO govee::commands::serve] Querying platform API for device list
[2024-05-11T16:33:54 INFO govee::commands::serve] Querying undocumented API for device + room list
[2024-05-11T16:33:55 INFO govee::service::iot] Connected to IoT: CONNACK code 0: Connection Accepted.
[2024-05-11T16:33:55 INFO govee::commands::serve] Starting LAN discovery
[2024-05-11T16:33:55 INFO govee::commands::serve] Waiting 10 seconds for LAN API discovery
[2024-05-11T16:33:55 INFO govee::service::iot] IoT (re)connected with status CONNACK code 0: Connection Accepted.
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Devices returned from Govee's APIs
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] kitchen left (C7:B5:A4:C1:38:9C:15:3C H7002)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=Some(0..15)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=Some("outside") supports_iot=false ble_only=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] H619E_8C21 (38:87:D4:AD:FC:20:8C:21 H619E)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] LAN API: ip=
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Quirk { sku: "H619E", icon: "mdi:led-strip-variant", supports_rgb: true, supports_brightness: true, color_temp_range: Some((2000, 9000)), avoid_platform_api: false, ble_only: false, lan_api_capable: true, device_type: Light, platform_temperature_sensor_units: None, platform_humidity_sensor_units: None, iot_api_supported: true, show_as_preset_buttons: None }
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] MainTV Lights (7B:72:D3:33:34:36:0A:3B H6199)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=Some(0..15)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=None supports_iot=true ble_only=false
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] behind monitors (85:33:A4:C1:38:BA:24:18 H6179)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=Some(0..15)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=None supports_iot=false ble_only=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] kitchen right (C8:C5:A4:C1:38:B8:92:91 H7002)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=Some(0..15)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=Some("outside") supports_iot=false ble_only=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Family Steps (FE:B8:A4:C1:38:3D:C9:7C H7002)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=Some(0..15)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=None supports_iot=false ble_only=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] keith office light (7A:74:A4:C1:38:5A:E3:F2 H615C)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=None
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=None supports_iot=true ble_only=false
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Basement Left Led (9B:F1:A4:C1:38:03:AF:63 H6195)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=None
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=None supports_iot=true ble_only=false
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] under desk (5E:E3:A4:C1:38:48:41:C6 H6138)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=Some(0..15)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=None supports_iot=false ble_only=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] floor lamp (0E:23:C9:39:32:35:14:2A H6076)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] LAN API: ip=
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=Some(0..7)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=None supports_iot=true ble_only=false
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Quirk { sku: "H6076", icon: "mdi:floor-lamp", supports_rgb: true, supports_brightness: true, color_temp_range: Some((2000, 9000)), avoid_platform_api: false, ble_only: false, lan_api_capable: true, device_type: Light, platform_temperature_sensor_units: None, platform_humidity_sensor_units: None, iot_api_supported: true, show_as_preset_buttons: None }
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] basement right led (C9:6C:A4:C1:38:47:8C:D7 H6195)
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Platform API: devices.types.light. supports_rgb=true supports_brightness=true
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] color_temp=Some((2000, 9000)) segment_rgb=None
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve] Undoc: room=None supports_iot=true ble_only=false
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::commands::serve]
[2024-05-11T16:34:05 INFO govee::service::http] http server addr is
[2024-05-11T16:34:10 INFO govee::service::hass] Wait 7.55s for hass to settle on 151 entity configs
[2024-05-11T16:34:18 INFO govee::service::hass] MQTT connected with status=CONNACK code 0: Connection Accepted.
[2024-05-11T16:34:25 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API kitchen left (C7:B5:A4:C1:38:9C:15:3C H7002) None
[2024-05-11T16:34:25 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API behind monitors (85:33:A4:C1:38:BA:24:18 H6179) None
[2024-05-11T16:34:25 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API kitchen right (C8:C5:A4:C1:38:B8:92:91 H7002) None
[2024-05-11T16:34:26 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API Family Steps (FE:B8:A4:C1:38:3D:C9:7C H7002) None
[2024-05-11T16:34:26 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API keith office light (7A:74:A4:C1:38:5A:E3:F2 H615C) None
[2024-05-11T16:34:26 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API under desk (5E:E3:A4:C1:38:48:41:C6 H6138) None
[2024-05-11T16:36:29 INFO govee::service::hass] Command for Basement Left Led (9B:F1:A4:C1:38:03:AF:63 H6195): {"state":"OFF"}
[2024-05-11T16:36:29 INFO govee::service::state] Using Platform API to set Basement Left Led (9B:F1:A4:C1:38:03:AF:63 H6195) light powerSwitch state
[2024-05-11T16:36:30 INFO govee::platform_api] control_device result: ControlDeviceResponse { request_id: "uuid", code: 200, message: "success", capability: ControlDeviceResponseCapability { kind: OnOff, instance: "powerSwitch", value: Number(0), state: Object {"status": String("success")} } }
[2024-05-11T16:36:34 INFO govee::service::hass] Command for Basement Left Led (9B:F1:A4:C1:38:03:AF:63 H6195): {"state":"ON"}
[2024-05-11T16:36:34 INFO govee::service::state] Using Platform API to set Basement Left Led (9B:F1:A4:C1:38:03:AF:63 H6195) light powerSwitch state
[2024-05-11T16:36:34 INFO govee::platform_api] control_device result: ControlDeviceResponse { request_id: "uuid", code: 200, message: "success", capability: ControlDeviceResponseCapability { kind: OnOff, instance: "powerSwitch", value: Number(1), state: Object {"status": String("success")} } }
[2024-05-11T16:36:35 INFO govee::service::state] Polling Basement Left Led (9B:F1:A4:C1:38:03:AF:63 H6195) to get latest state after control
[2024-05-11T16:36:35 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API Basement Left Led (9B:F1:A4:C1:38:03:AF:63 H6195) Some(DeviceState { on: true, light_on: Some(true), online: None, kelvin: 2000, color: DeviceColor { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, brightness: 254, scene: None, source: "AWS IoT API", updated: 2024-05-11T20:35:23.943060123Z })
[2024-05-11T16:36:39 INFO govee::service::state] Polling Basement Left Led (9B:F1:A4:C1:38:03:AF:63 H6195) to get latest state after control
[2024-05-11T16:36:39 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API Basement Left Led (9B:F1:A4:C1:38:03:AF:63 H6195) Some(DeviceState { on: false, light_on: Some(false), online: None, kelvin: 2000, color: DeviceColor { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, brightness: 254, scene: None, source: "AWS IoT API", updated: 2024-05-11T20:36:32.201288487Z })
[2024-05-11T16:40:26 INFO govee::service::hass] mqtt_purge_caches
[2024-05-11T16:40:26 INFO sqlite_cache] exiting periodic task
[2024-05-11T16:40:36 INFO govee::service::hass] Wait 7.55s for hass to settle on 151 entity configs
[2024-05-11T16:41:46 INFO govee::service::hass] mqtt_purge_caches
[2024-05-11T16:41:46 INFO sqlite_cache] exiting periodic task
[2024-05-11T16:41:55 INFO govee::service::hass] Wait 7.55s for hass to settle on 151 entity configs
[2024-05-11T16:49:26 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API kitchen left (C7:B5:A4:C1:38:9C:15:3C H7002) Some(DeviceState { on: false, light_on: None, online: Some(false), kelvin: 0, color: DeviceColor { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, brightness: 0, scene: None, source: "PLATFORM API", updated: 2024-05-11T20:34:25.725046040Z })
[2024-05-11T16:49:27 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API behind monitors (85:33:A4:C1:38:BA:24:18 H6179) Some(DeviceState { on: false, light_on: None, online: Some(false), kelvin: 0, color: DeviceColor { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, brightness: 0, scene: None, source: "PLATFORM API", updated: 2024-05-11T20:34:25.928987073Z })
[2024-05-11T16:49:28 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API kitchen right (C8:C5:A4:C1:38:B8:92:91 H7002) Some(DeviceState { on: false, light_on: None, online: Some(false), kelvin: 0, color: DeviceColor { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, brightness: 0, scene: None, source: "PLATFORM API", updated: 2024-05-11T20:34:26.121696333Z })
[2024-05-11T16:49:28 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API Family Steps (FE:B8:A4:C1:38:3D:C9:7C H7002) Some(DeviceState { on: false, light_on: None, online: Some(false), kelvin: 0, color: DeviceColor { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, brightness: 0, scene: None, source: "PLATFORM API", updated: 2024-05-11T20:34:26.310872419Z })
[2024-05-11T16:49:29 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API keith office light (7A:74:A4:C1:38:5A:E3:F2 H615C) Some(DeviceState { on: false, light_on: Some(false), online: Some(false), kelvin: 5900, color: DeviceColor { r: 255, g: 242, b: 236 }, brightness: 255, scene: None, source: "PLATFORM API", updated: 2024-05-11T20:34:26.502041569Z })
[2024-05-11T16:49:30 INFO govee::service::state] requesting update via Platform API under desk (5E:E3:A4:C1:38:48:41:C6 H6138) Some(DeviceState { on: false, light_on: None, online: Some(false), kelvin: 0, color: DeviceColor { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, brightness: 0, scene: None, source: "PLATFORM API", updated: 2024-05-11T20:34:26.694771643Z })

Additional Logs

No response

Home Assistant Logs

No response

Anything else?

Shows what I see inside of MyQTT
Screenshot 2024-05-11 165656

Shows what I see in Govee
image000000 jpg