
Bar_charts with text in an angle

Closed this issue · 9 comments

The bar charts shows the name the device has in Domoticz. Also the name is too long, perhaps we can put the text in an angle?

wez3 commented

The bar charts are now using the name specified in the config. Can you test on your setup? :)

I updated, but it still uses the names from domoticz

wez3 commented

Make sure to clear browser cache or use CTRL+F5 when refreshing the page when testing, might be the issue.

I did a CTRL + F5 and an Inprivate session, but it still uses the domoticz names. Used 2 browsers Edge and IE.

wez3 commented

Are you using the develop branch? The fix is not in master yet. Switch to develop:
"git checkout develop".

It is working now. I see that if the name is too big, it's not showed.

wez3 commented

You can create multiple bar charts with less bars in order to prevent this. I've looked into the library that we are using, but there's no builtin option to prevent this from happening.

Is it possible to turn the text 90 degrees? So the bars can be less width?

wez3 commented

This is possible, however we decided to not add this, because the angle is not pretty. You can add it yourself by adding the "xLabelAngle: 90" code to the templates/bar_charts.html file, as shown in the screenshot below.

screen shot 2017-01-21 at 21 08 18