
Titanfall 1 support?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

A friend sent me this tool believing it had support for Titanfall 1, a game who's bsp format I've been trying to figure out so that I may preserve the dying game's maps in Garry's Mod. Sadly it seems no matter which method of opening under "Titanfall" nor using similar build branches to open is capable of handling them.

As well if it could be of help, here's what little I've managed to discern of the bsp lumps for Titanfall 1, though be warned a lot of this is guesswork based on staring at hex data and the valve wiki, so some of it is possibly off-base:

Click to expand.
  • 0: LUMP_ENTITIES (unchanged)
  • 1-17: Unverified
  • 18: Unknown (ALTERED)
  • 19-20: Unused(?)
  • 23: LUMP_PROPHULLS (unchanged - L4D2)
  • 28: LUMP_PHYSDISP (unchanged)
  • 29-35: Unused(?)
  • 36: Uncertain
  • 42: Unknown
  • 43: Unused(?)
  • 44: Unknown
  • 45: Unknown
  • 46: Unknown
  • 47: Unknown
  • 48: Unused(?)
  • 50: Unknown
  • 51: Unknown
  • 52: Unknown
  • 53: Uncertain (ALTERED)
  • 54: Unused(?)
  • 55: Unknown
  • 56: Unknown
  • 57: Unknown (ALTERED) (Custom?)
  • 58: Unknown (ALTERED) (Custom?)
  • 59: LUMP_MAP_FLAGS (Possibly altered? Need more info)
  • 60: Unknown
  • 61: Unknown (Custom?)
  • 62: Unknown (LUMP_PHYSLEVEL in L4D2, likely culprit)
  • 63 and onwards are custom for Titanfall 1, and I have no fucking clue how to discern these things.

See his reply to a similar issue #15 (comment)

See his reply to a similar issue #15 (comment)

From what I've been able to look at, it's actually remarkable similar to Source 1; just nowhere near to the degree it could ever be cross-compatible. The core elements for what I'm trying to achieve of dumping certain lumps to a vmf as to recreate them for preservation sake over in Garry's Mod should be entirely doable though. The static props, entities, and displacements are all there. I've been able to get as far as to convert a titanfalll 1 entities lump to a usable vmf with sdk 2013