Page 5 - Now we can save the boxes into the database
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- All the hard work is done and hopefully now the boxes are all in the right place.
- They can now press a button which will send the data to be stored in a database
- This data will be used by lots of other people to find out what has happened to the samples.
- Eventually these boxes will be retrieved and destroyed safely to make space for other boxes to be stored.
Here at the Wellcome Genome Campus we would not allow our users to send the data directly to a database and this is not something you can do from a simple dhtml web page. We would use something called an Application Programming Interface (API). This is a piece of software which allows you to send a message to or some data in standard format which under the hood does soome complex programming. For example in this case it would receive our data, check it is correct and then put it into a database.
We have provided an API which you can send the data to and will let you know if it is correct and will return a message saying whether it was successful or not.
The details are
If you want to send a request you would need to send a POST request to the following URL
It will always be successful whatever data you send.