
Page 3 - A reefer user I would like to be able to scan boxes into shelves without persisting the moves

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A reefer user would like to be able to scan boxes into shelves without persisting the moves

Acceptance criteria

  • I would be able to select a reefer which would take me to a page
  • There would be a reefer page which would be a visual representation of the reefer
  • This page would be made up of 14 racks and 3 shelves. Each shelf can contain 6 boxes
  • I would be able to scan a box into one of the shelves
  • I would be able to count the number of boxes on each shelf and enter that number into the shelf on the page
  • I would be able to save this information without persisting it into a database
  • I would be able to retrieve this information at a later date

Task 1 - Use the view that you created for page 2 or create a new view which looks exactly the same as the one for page 2.

Task 2 - For each free space in the reefer allow the use to type a box barcode

Screen Shot 2021-02-28 at 11 21 23 AM

You might also want to change the way the box looks when a barcode has been entered to make sure it looks like it is no longer empty.

Screen Shot 2021-02-28 at 11 24 02 AM

Task 4 - Add a counter at the top of each shelf which shows how many boxes have been added. Remember that we only want to see the new boxes which have been added.

Screen Shot 2021-02-28 at 11 25 39 AM

Task 5 - Add a button which allows the user to submit the data to local storage and once that is done show a message to indicate to the user that it was successful.

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Task 6 (optional) - modify the page so that rather than manually entering the barcodes the user can select available boxes from a drop drown list and then drag these boxes into the available spaces. This list of boxes could be taken from the db.json file.

Task 7 - add some tests