
Baby-Steps don't work

dudljump opened this issue · 2 comments


at first I want to say thank ypu for the nice work with the firmware!

After I started the first print, I wanted to do some babystepping to refine the first layer. But if I try to raise or lower the hotend I get the follwing error message:

"Unknown command: M290 Z0.01"

After I tried to do the "PID PLA" function - I got the following Error:
"Error: EEPROM disabled"

What to do here?


I'm sorry, but I'm somehow new to github and don't understand, what your comment should mean? Where can I get the firmware with the bugfixes you're mentioning?

@dudljump those seem to be Marlin issues and not necessarily issues with the TFT firmware. Have you upgrade your Marlin firmware?