
whalebrew search doesn't return any results

unixorn opened this issue · 8 comments

whalebrew search doesn't return any results, but I can whalebrew install if I know the container name.

bash-3.2$ whalebrew search
bash-3.2$ whalebrew search ansible
bash-3.2$ whalebrew install whalebrew/ansible
Unable to find image 'whalebrew/ansible' locally
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from whalebrew/ansible
c9b1b535fdd9: Already exists
394a08e0f610: Pull complete
214a4266a527: Pull complete
21a86fecc2be: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:e38524b06074f0a666ea21c536340577cd6f057c7540d70f7ee7f7a737eade68
Status: Downloaded newer image for whalebrew/ansible:latest
🐳  Installed whalebrew/ansible to /usr/local/bin/ansible

I'm running 0.23 (installed with homebrew per the readme) and have this happening on both of my Macs, both running Catalina.

experiencing the same. Also MacOS Catalina.

I'm running 10.15.6 on both of my machines.

Thanks for raising. I will take a look at it
It might relate to #102

I was having a deeper look, it seems that the problem is related to the fact that #89 has not been released yet.
Let's make a new one

I just released a new version, which should solve the problem. Can you confirm?

That fixed it!

Though whalebrew version still reports 0.23.

I installed with curl -L "https://github.com/whalebrew/whalebrew/releases/download/0.2.4/whalebrew-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/whalebrew; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/whalebrew

Thanks, this is a really cool tool - I'd already started putting some of my more used stuff into containers, but I'm going to go back and make them (at least what you don't already have packaged) whalebrew-compatible.

yes, the release is still a bit flappy, I will try to improve it in future releases