
file permissions

snodnipper opened this issue · 3 comments

I noted that when I used the whalebrew/wget package as a non-root user (e.g. ubuntu user in the docker group) that the files I downloaded had the permissions set to root.

ubuntu@ip-172-37-43-241:~/$ wget https://www.google.com/favicon.ico
ubuntu@ip-172-37-43-241:~/$ ls -al
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     5430 Dec  8 01:00 favicon.ico

I have amended the code to use the user's id and primary group id but I guess this could be something for further consideration.

ubuntu@ip-172-37-43-241:~/$ wget https://www.google.com/favicon.ico
ubuntu@ip-172-37-43-241:~/$ ls -al
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     5430 Dec  8 01:00 favicon.ico

I can certainly raise a PR but the thoughts of others might be useful first.


Thanks @snodnipper! This is a dupe of #11.

The problem with the approach of passing -u to docker run, I think, is it means the permissions of files inside the container that the process needs to access may be wrong. (e.g. it might expect a file owned by root to be writable). I think it could work as an interim solution, though, because I think the problem you describe is worse and more common than the problem of not being able to access files inside the container. Feel free to open as a PR and perhaps we can discuss around that.

I have outlined what I think is a correct long-term solution in #11.

@bfirsh the problem was solved with path #42 ? Close issue?

Closed as far as I am concerned. Thank you for the reminder.