Current Data

The following data table is aggregated from statistics.json in the repo:

project precision recall total_diff_lines total_merged_lines total_mergebot_lines
duckdb 52.77% 88.08% 17246 21876 36515
frameworks_av 66.89% 52.29% 11599 44813 35030
libnativehelper 89.14% 92.29% 105 934 967
flameshot 97.94% 98.76% 112 5394 5439
tmux 95.72% 88.58% 1785 45097 41734
redis 93.46% 98.72% 5394 78076 82473
frameworks_native 70.48% 65.70% 22509 81794 76245
rocksdb 85.06% 87.31% 13516 88134 90464
grpc 50.40% 68.08% 20042 29907 40404
art 63.15% 77.62% 23900 52765 64854

We define Precision and Recall as follows:

precision and recall equations

Based on above data table from 10 C/C++ projects, the average precision is 75.49% and the average recall is 79.75%.