
R1 Feedback: responsiveness and multiplayer features

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In games like Artemis Bridge Simulator and Space Team multiplayer interactions create a base level of responsiveness by chaining 3-5 work tasks.

If interaction loops have feedback between a similar 3-5 tasks 1 second could be closer an upper limit of interactivity. 50-350ms is typical for real-time multiplayer games, and competitive fps's predict motion and interactions over similar periods.

In a game with a determined rate of play, commands should be queued and rate-limited in order to simplify interactions. Commands should be promptly acknowledged even if the simulation does not update to reflect them for 100's of ms.

It's so great to know some gaming industry professionals.

Certainly the UI should respond instantly if someone flips a switch or drags a slider to acknowledge the input. In writing R1 I had in mind the power level increasing after actuating a control rod. 50 ms would be excellent for response but I'm just totally unaware of what's possible given the slow Python stack I'm currently envisioning so I went with a easy bar. Sounds like shooting for 350ms would be a more appropriate goal.

This thing won't be much different from a game. It is a game, really.

With SVG.js examples I've been playing with you get near instantaneous feedback. I think we'll be good once we hook the backend (which is still in its pre-infancy)