
An application that can be used to write and save notes. This uses an Express.js back end that will save and retrieve note data from a JSON file.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An application that can be used to write and save notes. This uses an Express.js back end that will save and retrieve note data from a JSON file. You can use this for grocery lists, to-do lists, quick notes to look back at later or general reminders.

Table of Contents


  • This needs to be run on your local machine

  • After cloning this repo down locally, make sure you have node and express downloaded

  • Then if you have nodemon installed you can run nodemon server.js or if you do not have nodemon, just node server.js and that should start up your server

  • Open a new tab on your web browser and type in "localhost:3001" and the application will be there

  • Add as many notes as you like!

Additional Information

Repository Owner: P.J. Rasmussen (whats-a-pj)

Screenshot of Site & Repo Links

Railway Link: https://railway.app/project/813c7006-7941-4e8b-9acc-415e502c3cb3

Home page Screenshot of website

After you click on a saved note Screenshot of website

Process Summary

Downloaded starter code

Spent time researching Express and re-watching class zoom links

Set up routes and files in a way that made sense to me

Looked up docs on UUID for unique ids

Updated README & Deployed site


These are the websites I used including the starter code repo












I had a study group with Brian Whisler, Jeremy Rapich and Salvador Mejia on 9/3 where we went over Express.js and a bit of SQL.

Also had help from TA's CJ Sanders, Trever Oveson and Jacek Hacking, surprised to find out all I really needed to do was change a single line of code to get everything up and running!