
Restoring print.pdf

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Given that we now use rsync we'd have to exclude the .cgi specifically or maybe we can exclude *.cgi to avoid revealing the filename? And I guess after rsync we should wget/curl the relevant remote URL? Is that okay to be public?

(And sorry for breaking this again without an upfront plan.)

cc @domenic @izh1979

(Also, should we look into PDFs for the other standards?)

(Have no objection on any change that is reasonable and sane. :-) Currently don't understand whether I need to do anything on my server side.)

@izh1979 I guess the main question I have is whether you're okay with your server URL being in a public repository.

Well, worse thing that could happen, is that my script will trigger rebuilding PDF constantly. :-) But it is already limited to build only one document at a time, so is should not be a problem. I hope that no web-crawlers will trigger rebuilds.

I'll do my best to fix this soon just by using the existing infrastructure.

To address worries about others hitting that endpoint, we could have a password that we pass along in the URL to you, and you could do nothing if the password is not right. Fairly minor security, but it should stop crawlers at least.

Longer term, @izh1979, would you be interested in committing your build scripts to this repository, so we could do the build on Travis CI instead of via your server?

Well, if you put the password to git too, it will not protects. ;-) The same is with URL. You can simply leave it as an empty string in git, but change it in real setup. Or use some config-file.

I can push it. Moreover IIRC I've already sent a snapshot of it. Probably even to you.

Yeah, Travis lets you do encrypted passwords. I'll look through my email for the server config, thanks!

@foolip @sideshowbarker I'm going to work on restoring this. However, I'll do so on the dreamhost server architecture. Please don't move from dreamhost (per whatwg/misc-server#7) until I've got this working again and you have a plan for transitioning the CGI scripts etc.

@domenic, is it whatwg.org that must be left alone?

No, html.spec.whatwg.org