
print.pdf is broken

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I noticed now that https://html.spec.whatwg.org/print.pdf isn't working.

Probably related to #130.

@pts, is there any chance that using the --v flag might have changed the output here? Multiple things have changed since it worked, and I'm having a bit of trouble getting anything working now.

pts commented

Thank you for reporting this!

Please file an issue on https://github.com/pts/pdfsizeopt/issues, attach your input and output PDFs. I can check it for you (or you can check it for yourself using git bisect) which commit broke the output PDF, and from that I can investigate and fix it.

pts commented

No need to report a new issue, I'm investigating now.

pts commented

Thank you again for reporting this bug. Upgrading to the latest pdfsizeopt (pts/pdfsizeopt@10bbaff) should fix it.

Oh nice! We actually don't have the version pinned, so the next deploy should fix it.

(Not doing a redeploy now because it changes the date to be wrong, waiting for the next HTML PR to be merged.)