
Remove bugs.csv margin insertion? Or improve it?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We currently insert 40 bugs from the legacy bug list into the spec margins. This seems almost deceptive, given the 836-and-counting open bugs on GitHub. It also adds a big of extra complexity to the build process.

I think we should remove this insertion.

Or, we could try to resurrect it, with something GitHub based? E.g. edit the OP of each issue to include a URL and build a similar system? Would be a decent amount of work, but could be fun and interesting... Thoughts welcome.

Currently for GitHub issues we seem to add inline pointers in the text, with XXX boxes, for particularly-bad bugs. That might be just fine.

Yes please — whatever remaining benefit those few annotations have isn’t worth the ongoing complexity/maintenance cost

I’ve raised #178 and whatwg/wattsi#82