
Redeploy fails if no files have changed

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Consider the following scenario:

  • A temporary error causes the build to fail after the deploy step, e.g. in the PDF generation step
  • Someone then re-triggers the build from the Travis UI.

In this scenario, we get a build like https://travis-ci.org/whatwg/html/builds/528910215. What appears to happen is that the build gets stuck on the rsync step. (The last output comes from this line.) I presume something is broken when there are no changes to sync.

This causes a timeout, and thus build failure, which makes our GitHub page have a red X for build status, and look slightly unprofessional. Very sad.

I'm not sure how to fix this off the top of my head; there are no results for "rsync no changes timeout" on Google that make it obvious. Thoughts welcome.

Have you been able to reproduce locally that rsync hang if there are no changes? That doesn't match my vague memory and seems like strange default behavior.

I think recently I was able to redeploy with no problem in a similar situation, so let me close this until/unless we see it again.