
Server folders are not properly cleared

Closed this issue · 6 comments

@zcorpan discovered that we have multiple 404.html and .htaccess resources, despite us having removed those from the build script a while back.

It seems this is due to us using rsync htmlbuild/update-spec.sh without the --remove argument.

@domenic would it be safe to add that comment? Do you want to do that?

Also, should we have htmlbuild/ in version control somewhere?

It seems likely safe; I can try to do that.

I don't know if we should have htmlbuild/ in version control. It is rather specific to the server. Maybe it should be in version control but not open source? Or maybe open source is fine; I'd have to check.

I think adding --remove would kill all the commit snapshots. Not sure what to do there exactly.

Ok, I guess that means we have to manually remove files.

How about something like

rsync <current args...>
rsync --dry-run --remove <current args...> | grep -v "commit-snapshots" | xargs rm

I ended up manually removing .htaccess, images/, entities.json, and 404.html from multipage/. We may still want something like the above for the future, but the immediate problem is addressed.

In #117, I ended up using --delete but --exclude="commit-snapshots", and then a second rsync for the commit snapshot in particular.